Scientific conferences
19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’17 ECCE
Information about conference:
European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications to jedna z najbardziej prestiżowych międzynarodowych konferencji z dziedziny energoelektroniki i napędów elektrycznych. Wybitni naukowcy i eksperci spotkają się w dniach 11-14 października 2017 w Pałacu Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie. Współorganizatorem konferencji jest Wydział Elektryczny Politechniki Warszawskiej.
Coorganizers: EPE, PELS, IEEE, ECCE, WUT
WWW Web page:
Phone: +48 22 234 56 12
Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering, CPEE 2016
Information about conference:
The International Conference organized every year since 1999. It is focused on the computational aspects of the electrical engineering, including signal, circuit and field theory. Organized under auspices of the IEEE organization. The main task of the workshop is the exchange of the experience of the scientists of central and eastern Europe in the modern mathematical methods of the analysis, optimisation and design approaches in the fields mentioned above.
Coorganizers: IETiSIP
WWW Web page:
Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering, Roztoky u Křivoklátu, September 4 - 6, 2013
Information about conference:
General aims of conference are exchange of information and ideas from the academic and industrial viewpoints in the sphere of Theory of Electrical Engineering and associated disciplines. Discussion on the modern trends in computational electrical engineering (mostly signal, circuit and field theories) leading to novel approaches to the numerical analysis, optimisation and design of various electrical machines, apparatus and systems.
Coorganizers: University of West Bohemia, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Technical University of Lodz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
WWW Web page:
Phone: +420 377634606
Fax: +420 377634602
IX Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna "Postępy w Elektrotechnice Stosowanej"
Information about conference:
PES-9 Kościelisko, 16-20 czerwca 2014r.
Coorganizers: Oddział Warszawski PTETiS, Wydział Elektryczny, Politechniki Warszawskiej
WWW Web page:
LII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Maszyn Elektrycznych
Information about conference:
20 – 22 of June, 2016 year, Kazimierz Dolny near Warsaw.
1.Constructions of Elektro-mechanical Converters
2.Special Electrical Machines
3.Mathematical modeling and Simulation
4.Design and optimization
5.Measurement, diagnostics and monitoring
6.Efficiency and losses in Electrical Machines
7.Exploitation of Driver Systems.
8.Co-operation of Electrical Machines with Power Electronic Devices
9.Modern Technologies of Electrical Machines
10.Problem of environmental impact
11.Didactics in Electrical Machines
12.Trends in branch of electro-technique
Coorganizers: Zakład Maszyn Elektrycznych Politechniki Warszawskiej, Instytut Elektrotechniki, Instytut Energetyki
WWW Web page:
Modern Electric Traction
Information about conference:
Opening ceremony- and plenary session
10 X 2013 GG Small Hall-Mała Aula
Coorganizers: Katedra Inżynierii Elektrycznej Transportu Politechnika Gdańska, Instytut Eletrotechniki
WWW Web page:
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